Dried Blood Sampler

Dried Blood SamplerSP411.102

We are pleased to announce the publication of US patent no. US 8586382 B2 which relates to a method and an apparatus for desorption of a blood sample from a medical test sheet comprising at least one dried blood spot (DBS) for the purpose of biomedical analysis of the bloodsample. The patent allows that the new method eliminates the need for first punching out a disc area of the test sheet containing dried blood sample, thus speeding up the procedure considerably and that on-line desorption of dried blood spots is faster and easier and allows for further automation of the process.

This new technique – innovative Flow-through desorption (FTD™) technology, forms the basis of its revolutionary new DBS Autosampler for the preparation of dried blood spots, or other biological liquid samples, e.g. urine, on DBS cards for analysis by mass spec or other analytical techniques without any manual intervention.

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