Kromasil EternityShell Columns with solid-core particles for harsh conditions

Kromasil EternityShell Columns with solid-core particles for harsh conditions

More options with a wider range of pH conditions

Kromasil EternityShell columns are a further expansion of the Kromasil analytical portfolio. Kromasil EternityShell columns have been designed for users who expect to perform separations between pH 1 and 12 and look for fast separations using solid-core technology.

Kromasil EternityShell columns

The Kromasil EternityShell columns are based on solid-core particles and used in the analysis of pharmaceutical, clinical, environmental, food and beverage and industrial samples. These new columns are packed with 2.5 μm solidcore particles. Kromasil EternityShell are aimed for fast separations similarly to the already existent Kromasil EternityXT columns with 1.8 and 2.5 μm particles.


Extended pH range

The Kromasil EternityShell C18 columns are robust and stable beyond traditional silica columns. Offering excellent pH flexibility between pH 1 and 12, These EternityShell columns are for users that need to work under an almost full pH range, including acidic conditions but also at tougher high pH for the analysis for bases. The new chromatographic material is endcapped, has a surface area of 110 m²/g and a carbon coverage of 8%, providing a first rate alternative selectivity for reversed phase chromatography.

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